In the case of knee replacements; the early application of supervised pre- and post-operative care has been shown to dramatically improve overall satisfaction and expedite returns to normal daily function. There is no debate that early and frequent activity promotes the best outcome following surgery, but at times this can be very challenging. Barriers to progress that may present early in the recovery phase can include difficulty navigating the home on a walker, dizziness and nausea following anesthesia, excessive pain requiring continued medication use or limited transportation with the temporary loss of driving abilities.

In these situations an in-home care option might be right for you. STARS Rehab is excited to announce that starting November 1st we will begin offering an in-home option to initiate your post-surgical journey. Patients who are identified as good candidates may be offered the opportunity to complete the first few visits of their care from the comfort of their own home. As mentioned already getting up and out of the house is definitely the best option, but isn’t it nice to know there is another choice when that seems overly challenging? With a thorough in-home evaluation by our skilled staff STARS Rehab can help get you started and offer a seamless transition into our nearest neighborhood clinic. Our newest service is just one more example of how STARS Rehab and our 1-on-1 care model focuses daily on Optimizing Movement and Enhancing Lives.