In partnership with the REBLOOM CENTER, STARS Rehab hosts support group meetings and wellness classes at our Parkinson’s Health Center, located at our island location.
The REBLOOM CENTER is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to provide a welcoming community space where people impacted by Parkinson’s disease can have continuous access to high quality diverse exercise and voice training, a social and educational support group, and have access to resources to preserve a high quality of life throughout their journey with Parkinson’s.
The support group meets monthly for social gatherings or educational guest speakers. The wellness program offers free group exercise and voice programing with 10 different classes every week (class schedule can be found here). The programs offered by the REBLOOM CENTER serve as an extension of one-on-one rehabilitation and are currently supported by community grants from the Parkinson’s Foundation and the Florida Physical Therapy Association. Combined, these awards currently fund over 300 free classes per year and reach over 70 people living with Parkinson’s disease in St. Augustine, Florida.
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Support Group
We meet monthly for social gatherings or educational speakers to promote community and empowerment. Please visit REBLOOM to subscribe to our email list to stay informed.
Group Classes
We offer 10 weekly exercise and voice training classes at 3 different challenge levels. Our wellness program serves as an extension of one-on-one therapy and are led by Parkinson’s specialized physical and speech therapists.