STARS has partnered with a local industrial company to provide proactive and evidenced based medical services to their employees. STARS physical therapists on site weekly to be an open resource for employees regarding Musculo-skeletal health as well as to provide the most effective injury prevention program available.
STARS physical therapists collect data on employees in regard to strength, functional movement, ergonomics, work environment and OSHA injury rates to develop the best practice to reduce the risk of injury to employees. This individualized assessment allows STARS to provide tailor made programs to reduce the burden of injury on each and every employee as well as the company.
Because physical therapists are on staff, first aide and injury management can be provided without the employee leaving work further alleviating the burden on work related injuries.
With expertise in customized assessments, evidence based practice, ergonomics and the ability to respond quickly, STARS has tremendously reduced the rate of preventable musculo-skeletal injuries. This program will save time and money for employees and employers alike leading to a healthy workforce for many years to come.