What is Trigger Point Dry Needling?

A trigger point is a focal, hyperirritable spot in the muscle that is the result of a local shortening of that muscle. Trigger points can develop as a result of various lifestyle activities, including prolonged computer work, poor posture, and over activity. Trigger points can cause an array of symptoms including pain, referred pain into other areas of the body, as well as decreases in range of motion and strength. There are a number of ways to treat a trigger point, with one of these ways being dry needling. Dry needling is the use of a thin filiform needle to stimulate the underlying trigger point. This stimulation in turn will help improve the symptoms that can be caused by a trigger point; so an improvement in pain, range of motion, and strength. Dry needling can be used to treat headaches, neck and back pain, shoulder pain, as well as hip, knee, and ankle/foot pain.  Trigger point dry needling is a relatively quick procedure that is performed by a highly skilled physical therapist as part of the overall treatment plan.