The S.T.A.R.S. Rehab Parkinson's Health Center proudly presents the "The Park Avenue Project 3.0 2022-2023" supported by a community grant from the Parkinson's Foundation. This grant has allowed us to expand our wellness programs and offer new, year-round classes for FREE for people living with Parkinson's disease in our brand-new Parkinson's gym, and for those that wish to stay at home, virtually through online zoom sessions.
The Park Avenue Project serves as an extension of one-on-one therapy by moving people into on-going, high quality, multi-leveled group wellness classes designed and led by highly trained physical and speech therapists. Research has shown that ongoing, targeted exercise can improve Parkinson's symptoms and getting your daily dose of exercise is just as important as taking your medications. Exercise is Medicine and it needs to be dosed properly with the right amount of challenge to promote change in your abilities.
The Use it or Lose it FUNctional PWR! Moves class and the Buddhification Yoga class will help folks maintain mobility, flexibility, balance and strength, while the LOUD Crowd and SING Out Loud classes will maintain voice, thinking and swallowing integrity. In addition, we have a Rock Steady Boxing program. These classes are not part of the grant and is a fee for service program. The classes utilize equipment such as punching bags, focus mitts, and speed bags to address posture, speed of movement, agility, spine rotation, balance, and coordination. It's an intense PD specific workout!
To get started, new participants will need a doctor's prescription to receive an evaluation by a licensed Physical Therapist and, or Speech Therapist to determine which class will best meet your needs. Please refer to the calendar below to view days and times of each class. Detailed class descriptions follow.

Class Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
PWR! Moves Red Online ZOOM - free
Instructor: ANNA
Rock Steady Boxing Yellow Face to Face – $
Instructor: ANNA
Rock Steady Boxing Yellow Face to Face - $
Instructor: ANNA
LOUD Crowd Face to Face - free
Online ZOOM - free
Instructor: DEBRA
Rock Steady Boxing Red Face to Face - $
Instructor: PAUL
Rock Steady Boxing Green Face to Face - $
Instructor: ANNA
Yoga Red Face to Face - free
Online ZOOM - free
Instructor: PAUL
SING All colors Online ZOOM - free
Instructor: DEBRA
PWR! Moves Yellow - no floor work Face to Face - free
Instructor: ANNA
PWR! Moves Yellow Face to Face - free
Instructor: PAUL & MEL
PWR! Moves
RedOnline ZOOM - freeInstructor: ANNA -
Rock Steady Boxing
YellowFace to Face - $Instructor: ANNA -
LOUD CrowdOnline ZOOM - freeInstructor: DEBRA
PWR! Moves
YellowFace to Face - freeInstructor: PAUL & MEL -
Rock Steady Boxing
RedFace to Face - $Instructor: PAUL -
Rock Steady Boxing GreenFace to Face - $Instructor: ANNA
RedFace to Face - freeOnline ZOOM - freeInstructor: PAUL
Online ZOOM - freeInstructor: DEBRA
All colorsOnline ZOOM - freeInstructor: DEBRA
Class Descriptions:
PWR! MOVES (Red level is online via zoom AND Yellow level is in person at STARS rehab - FREE): The PWR! Moves classes incorporate the building blocks of functional movement over 5 positions. Parkinson's makes body alignment (posture), rotation of the spine, weight shifting and transitional movements more difficult. This class uses repetitive whole body, large amplitude motions in sitting, standing, lying on stomach and back, and on hands and knees to help keep you moving for life. Classes also include voice work, cognitive challenges, hand and eye movements to challenge all motor systems with intent and vigor. These classes will give you the workout you need to manage your PD and keep you doing all the things you love to do.
YOGA (Red/Yellow combo class - this is offered both online and in person - FREE): The YOGA classes will help folks maintain or improve mobility, flexibility, balance and strength with a focus on slow sustained movements and poses in various positions. There will also be a focus on coordinating breath with movements. Each class will end with a short meditation or relaxation exercise to improve mood and reduce stress and difficult emotions. You should finish this class feeling more flexible and relaxed.
LOUD CROWD via zoom (All classes are online and FREE): his class focuses on preserving voice and provides vocal practice, accountability, and social engagement. It is an extension of the SPEAK OUT speech therapy program. This class is capped at 10 people.
SING OUT LOUD (All classes are FREE and online): This class is a therapeutic chorus program designed to increase breath support, intensity level, oral motor movements and increase pitch variation needed for communication. This class has no cap and can accommodate all that are interested!
ROCK STEADY BOXING (Red, Yellow, and Green in-person classes - each class is $20; you can try a class for free - unfortunately our boxing program is not funded by the grant): This is a non-contact boxing program that utilizes boxing principles to work on the motor control problems encountered in Parkinson's disease. The class utilizes equipment such as punching bags, focus mitts and speed bags to address posture, speed of movement, agility, axial rotation, balance, and coordination. It's a very PD specific work out!
Physical Ability Required for Each Class Level
RED CLASS Physical Requirements: This is a high paced vigorous class designed to make you sweat. You must be comfortable getting up and down off the floor quickly. You must not have any major cardiac or orthopedic limitations. This class may involve advanced moves such as planks, and higher impact moves such as jumping, agility, and fast paced transitions!
YELLOW CLASS Physical Requirements: This class will make you sweat, but the pace will be at a moderate intensity. You must be comfortable getting up and down off the floor with the use of your arms or a chair. This class will include low impact agility moves that will be kinder to your joints but still challenge your physicality!
Red / Yellow Combo YOGA Class Physical Requirements: To be able to get down onto the floor and back up either with or without the use of a chair.
Equipment: Yoga mats and bricks will be provided but for sanitation we are encouraging you to bring your own.
GREEN CLASS Physical Requirements: This class will challenge your body and brain from a chair and in standing. There will be fewer transitions and no high impact skills, but we promise you will be tired when you leave!
Meet Our Parkinson's Specialized Therapists: